10 Tips to quit smoking

Recently celebrated its one year anniversary that I quit smoking. Basically, that finally I cut ... Like many smokers, I had tried many times to quit and I had failed. But this time I succeeded, and I would like to share 10 important things about this interruption to succeed while my other efforts fell on deaf ears.
1.Commitment completely yourself. In my previous attempts to quit, it was as if I was fully committed to what we wanted to do. I am telling myself that I wanted to quit, but always thought in the back of my mind that it would fail. Not writing anything, I do not say to anyone (maybe my wife, but only in this). This time, I wrote. I wrote on paper the plan would follow. I wrote about it on my blog. I promised my daughter. I said to my family and my friends that I cut smoking. I joined a forum for smoking cessation. I find rewards for myself. Many of them are the following tips, but the point is that fully committed myself to myself, and succeeded. I did easy myself to fail. 
2.Make a plan. You can not suddenly jump up and say "will quit smoking today." We have to prepare it yourself. Design. Consider a system of rewards, a support system, a person to call when you have problems. Write on paper what you do when you get cravings to smoke. Print it. Swamp on your wall, at home and at work. If you expect to get your first desire to smoke and after you find what you do, you're already lost. You have to be ready when you get the urge.
10 Tips to quit smoking

3.Do you know what is your motivation. When you come cravings to smoke, your mind tries to rationalize the situation. "What matter;" And you forget why you do all this. You need to know why you do BEFORE you get the urge. You do it for your children; For your wife; For your health? To be able to run; Because the girl you like does not want smokers; You have a very good reason or reasons to quit. Make a list of reasons. Print it. Set it to your wall. And recalled these reasons to yourself, every day, every time that comes the urge to smoke.
4.Neither puff, ever. The mind makes games. I will tell you that a cigarette does not harm. And it is difficult to refute this logic, especially when you have to catch a strong desire to turn it on. Do not give in. Say to yourself, you come before the desire to smoke, that either will not do it again one puff, ever again. For the truth is that one puff WILL hurt. One puff leads to a second, and a third, and finally not quitting, smoke. Do not fool yourself. One puff will almost always lead to relapsing. DO NOT DO OR PUFF!
5.Join a forum. One of the things that most helped this time to quit, was a forum with people who cut or had quit smoking (quitsmoking.about.com). Not feel so alone when you have to catch the misery. After all, misery wants company. Join a forum, introduce yourself, meet others who just go through the same thing with you, write about your experience the mess, and read about others who are worse than you. The best rule is: Write before smoke. If you follow this rule, you will be able to beat the urge to come to you, when you come. Others will speak to you, they'll help, I'll celebrate with you when you do it the first day, the second, third, fourth, first week and beyond. It's very entertaining.

10 Tips to quit smoking

6.Rewarding yourself. Make a plan for your rewards, and rewarding yourself clearly after the first day, and the second and third. You and after the fourth if you want, but certainly after the first week and the second. And after the first month, and the second. And in six months, and one year. Look to good rewards that will make you the waits: cd, books, dvd, shirts, shoes, a massage, a bike, a dinner at your favorite restaurant, a stay in a hotel ... everything bears your pocket. Even better: you get what you would spend on cigarettes each day, and put in a piggy bank. This is your piggy bank reward. Celebrate your every success, infatuated. You deserve it!
7.Delayed it. If you come to smoke, wait. Make the following steps: take 10 deep breaths. Drink water. Eat something (me at the beginning was eating sweets, candy and chewing gum, but after I returned to more healthy as carrots, pretzels, frozen grapes). He called the man who had decided to support in difficult times. Write this forum quitting you are a member. Gymnasium. Do what you need, but delayed it, delayed it, delayed it! You do it, and this urge will pass. When passed, celebrated! If you deal with this impulse every time you do it.
8.Replace negative habits with positive ones. What do you do when you're nervous; If your reaction when you stress is to light a cigarette, you need to find something else to do. Deep breaths, but to do it myself massage neck and my shoulders, and exercise have done wonders for me. Other habits, such as what you do in the morning when you wake up, or what you do in the car, or anywhere usually smoke, should be replaced with better, more positive habits. Running is my most positive habit, and I and some others that replaced smoking.
10 Tips to quit smoking

9.Hold the first devilish week hold on the second, and you are ruler. The hardest point to quit smoking is the first two days. If you pass this, you have passed the stage of withdrawal from nicotine, and the rest is mainly a matter of mind. But throughout the first week is hell. After starting to become easier. The second week is also difficult, but not as much as the first. From then, he was smoothly things for me. I only manage this intense desire to arrest me now and then, but other times it was more relaxed, and I felt confident that I could bring out everything.
10.If you fall, get up, and learn from your mistakes. Yes, we all fail. This does not mean we are failures, or that we will not never succeed. If you fall, it's not the end of the world. Arise, anaskoumposou, and try again. I failed many times until you make it. But you know what; Each of those failures taught me something. Of course, sometimes repeating the same mistakes, but in the end I learned. Find what are the obstacles to your success, and designed to overcome in your next attempt. And do not wait months to make the next attempt. Give yourself a few days to make plans and prepare, commitment fully to you, and do it!
Bonus tip # 11: Think positively. This is the most important tip of all. The kept for last. If you have a positive attitude, a mood of "I can do it", as trivial though it may seem, you will succeed. Listen to me. It works. Tell yourself that you can do, and will do it. Tell yourself that you can not do, and certainly will not do. When the going gets tough, think positive! YOU to make ends meet when you get the urge to smoke. CAN to hold on to pass the first devilish week. You! I did it. The other same millions. We are not better than you.

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